Selvectonians Species in Borenlinx | World Anvil
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  A young race, the Selvectonians were quite literally products of their time. During the Kartonian regime they were found, captive and used as experiment fodder when the first of many outpost were freed of Kartonian rule. Towering above most other races at thirteen feet the hermaphrodites were even bigger in both height and stature. To many races it is not known who they were or how they came under Kartonian rule, just that they were captive much like all the other races in Kalthorin at the time. Only the eldest and few remaining elders of their race can tell you their true origins, and few will ever release that fact in fear of retaliation by others. That secret is they are the product of Kartonians, a fusion of their creators flesh and another eldritch species of insectoids known as Selvectoids. Within them they still hold the blood of conquerors and oppressors, of creatures mad in the head and obsessed with the fusion of technology and biology, the scourge of Kalthorin; and they are more then content to leave that history behind.


Unlike their predecessors Selvectonians are much more kinder and show no interest in much technology despite showing clear signs of well developed intelligence. They much rather live their life as they know best, as a nest. When they were made many genetic traits from Selvectoids were passed down to their kin Selvectonians, in fact Selvectonians largely pull from their more insectoid ancestors in not just appearance but in behavior. Though Selvectoids are rarely seen on the surface much of what their behavior might be like can be seen in their half breed cousins, a tendency to build nest, a both lax yet productive mindset, and a surprisingly kind disposition, though this particular trait was not shaped only by genetics. Selvectonians do not engage in conflict much; they see it as a very neutral or negative thing, which is why conflict is such a rare thing in their society, like most things, they see no value in it, if you ask why they would tell you about the great war, a tumultuous time for many but a very cultural defining moment for them.     This is not to say they aren't capable of violence. While it is true that the war had pushed them away from violence and their innate motherly nature makes they stray even further if you do manage to anger a Selvectonian they will not hold back, especially if you have harmed their children. Beneath their intimidating yet kind carapace lies a very potent anger that can be called forth in the right circumstances like mentioned above. Though rare the females and hermaphrodite the race will not hesitate to tear you apart if you dare to hurt their children or any of their kind. The same applies for them during mating season. Despite being well respected as a race they have some flaws that can make them hard to deal with during specific times of the years, mating season. During this time they become extremely aggressive and do not associate with any outsiders until the two months are over. Unless you are extremely close friends of a Selvectonian if you were to approach them during mating season you are liable to be killed.   Despite that one glaring flaw Selvectonians are rather respected as a race and many seek to do business with them for goods that can only be produced by their hives. Many traders will come far and wide to trade with for these goods and will for the most part, come way with positive feelings. Due to their more lax nature and maternal instincts they tend to, for lack of a better term, baby other races. it is not because they want to make fun of them it is because most if not all races they interact with are smaller then them, or smaller then their children. Most Selvectonians will be surprised if a human tells them their a full grown adult because they simply see them as children, both due to size and the long lives Selvectonians live combined with that very same maternal instinct. though most traders do not mind babied if it means getting to trade with Selvectonians for their goods.
(A female Selvectonian) The Artist name is Heathen Maw and all credit goes to her for the art
The hermaphroditic Selvectonian lacks a tail and wings, instead it has traded such advantages for a bigger brawnier body, a spider like thorax that hangs above their waistline, and a back mounted set of mantis pincer that fold neatly into their carapace. The pincers developed in response to their size because as they can no longer reach their back with their hands while their spider like abdomen is used for producing a hardy silk or their popular honeydew. They have an extremely intimidating stature at fifteen feet and are wider then two human men put together with fist bigger then a watermelon. They act as enforcer of the nest but and because of this are less sociable then their female sex but within the nest that persona relaxes and their more relaxed nature comes out.


The sapience of the Selvectonian species has been a topic of debate... among any species that's not them. Selvectonians are unique in the fact that they have a hard coded biological traits that separate their persons. Those traits being their behavioral mindsets. Selvectonians have three distinct mindsets; work, social, and defense/offense. Both work and defense/offense is more akin to a trance, once they enter they need to be called out by their kin. You can call them out of it if you not of their kin but it will take much more effort.   When they enter their social trance they display their individuality, where you can discuss various topics. But that where it takes an interesting turn. Selvectonians do not have any political affiliation, no real philosophies or ideas when it comes to most things in life. It is rare that their is any conflict in their nest at all. nor do they truly care for anything outside their nest that is not dictated by their instincts. In many way they are still insects but with a higher degree if intelligence. But even with this intelligence, do they simply own because of their heritage? Do they truly utilize it? Are they even aware of it?   To clarify this Selvectonians can have a deep discussion. they can ponder philosophy and ideas but do not build upon them, they find it interesting but will immedietly go back to work and not think about it when they do so. Selvectonian colonies only change when they need to, not when they want to. All Selvectonians, no matter how intelligent have a distinct and innate desire to live in their nest and simply do their part for the greater whole of the hive that supersedes anything else. This makes them equally simple yet terrifying. For a race that has no distractions and simply wishes to live posses the ultimate means in doing so, and in turn puts every other race in danger the more they spread.

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