Social Status in Blood&Steel | World Anvil
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Social Status

In blood and steel your status matters in conversations and determines how people look upon you. The kingdom functions according to hereditary feudalism, in all ranks of society the eldest child inherits the title of the family's patriarch or matriarch. As such every other child has to make their own life, be it in marriage to a member of their peerage or by joining the clergy.   Civilization is generally divided in 4 categories:  

The Nobility:

Nobility is the highest social status one can attain. These are the defenders of the realm, who use their wealth, power and status to raise armies in the name of their liege and stand firm against monsters and rival kingdoms. When a lord acquires their position they go around their holdings to re-affirm the loyalty of those of a lower noble title than theirs. Every region is expected to defend themselves and muster forces when their lord calls upon them, either by calling upon militia or knights. Alternatively nobles are known to hire mercenaries and sellswords to go where their men won't or can't go or, hire them to prevent the death of their own men. The nobility generally pays less taxes than the common folk, in fact the landed nobility collects taxes from the common folk for civic, military and personal use and pays a portion of these to their liege.   In times of peace the nobility uses their status and wealth to impress their peers and subjects, vying for greater power among one another. The easiest way to join the nobility is by becoming a page, earning the training to be become a squire and then becoming a knight.   A nobleman's name includes their given name, the given name of the same sex parent, followed by their last name.  

Noble Titles

  Knight: Non-hereditary title given to those knighted in a lord's service. Landed knights protect a single holding while Knight-Errants travel to enforce the law. Has at least a Mansion.   Baron/Baroness : Akin to a landed knight that has other knights sworn in their service. Protects holdings up to a day's march. Has a Fortress.   Count/Countess: Akin to a Baron who has had other Barons swear fealty to them. Has a castle.   Margrave/Margravin: The most prestigious of counts rules a border land or a March, named for the marching of troops across their border. The many dangers of the land earn them additional rights over a count, especially related to monetary and military support.   Prince/ Princess: Heir to the ducal or royal throne   Duke/Duchess : Akin to a count or margrave who had other counts swear fealty to them. Has a palace and is crowned in a grand ceremony by a high ranking member of the clergy.   King/Queen: Akin to a Duke who has other dukes swear fealty to them. Crowned in a grand ceremony by a high ranking member of the clergy and the Duke's that have sworn fealty to their name.  

The Clergy:

The clergy is the second most powerful social status as it includes those that speak on behalf of the many Deities that bless or curse the lands. While they command spiritual power over worldly power, like the nobles, they have the ears of the nobles and commoners alike. As such they have a large amount of prestige and can in theory denounce a ruler as unfit in the eyes of the Gods, at great risk for their own well being. The Clergy is exempt from tax collection and gains their income from donations and tithings to their churches and temples.   Generally speaking the worship of the Despoilers is outlawed or reserved only for the savage folk. Their dark and twisted words are more akin to curses, spreading fear and uncertainty.  

The Common Folk:

The common folk make up the largest portion of the populace and is simultaneously the lowest social status. It is divided between those that till, those that sell and those that craft ordered from lowest to highest in prestige. Maintaining a standing army is a costly proposition, as such no true standing army exists. Those that consider themselves soldiers are guards, mercenaries, militia members or others. Many of whom have lives and work that fall in one of the previous categories. These folk are taxed by the nobility and give tithes to churches.  

The Outlaw

The outlaw is a category of status reserved for those that have no social rights or protections, they are literally and figuratively outside of the law. It is reserved for cultists of the Despoilers, traitors to the crown and certain criminals engaging in grave crimes. Outlaws can be stolen from, killed or worse without having to face possible repercussions.

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