Goldfang Company Organization in Blood&Steel | World Anvil
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Goldfang Company

The Goldfang Pack is a predominantly wood-elven and half-elven mercenary company that has found it's home in the Duchy of Caowen where they augment the military forces of the Dukedom during the Thronewar. The company is led by elven Prince Caradoc who has seen it fit to expand his hunting ground into the human realms.
  The Goldfang is loyal to brothers- and sisters-in-arms first and foremost, with the client coming in second. Loyalty to the chain of command is of utmost importance and disobedience is punished accordingly. Much of the company is made up of elves who followed Prince Caradoc out of the Zelenan Weald in search of fame and glory and the core is made up of dire wolf riding light-cavalry.
  Coat of Arms: Roaring Golden wolf atop a green Field
Founding Date
185 C.Y
Military, Mercenary Group
Alternative Names
The Branded, The Company, Horse-Choppers
Training Level
Veterancy Level

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