Valgurok Character in Blackwell | World Anvil
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Valgurok was the Demon of Wrath. He was summoned by a warlock in the mid-1700s to the Sacred Well Circle and "contracted" to them as a result. Valgurok had influence over August White , Mr. Theodor Holcomb, and William Crawford.   Valgurok's only real goal and passion were pain and war. Anytime Valgurok could start a conflict, it was a good day. Valgurok didn't care about long-term goals or lengthy plans, he just wanted all-out bloody war.   Valgurok has a running rivalry with Zagmar as they run in similar circles but neither wants to concede ground. Zagmar wanted to plan things and work more subtly. Valgurok just wanted the miserable humans to kill each other so he could watch.   The agents of Valgurok were Saul and Thana.   bandages with the blood of the recruiter

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