Sam Walters Character in Blackwell | World Anvil
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Sam Walters

Sam Walters was an orderly at Slatefall Hospital. Sam was a violent man, and a bully. He would frequently take his aggression out on the psych patients at Slatefall Hospital. The doctor in charge of the psych ward, Dr. Crane, never admonished his violent behavior.   Sma had particular trouble with August White and Joey. These two patients would frequently challenge Sam's "authority" in the psych ward, resulting in some sort of altercation. Sam felt that the abuse he was heaping on patients was "discipline," and Joey felt that it was simply bullying of weaker people to stroke his ego. August simply hated the man, and wanted to kill him.   in 1920, Sam quit the hospital unexpectedly. He filed a resignation letter, and walked away without any explanation. No one heard from him again after that day.

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