The Green Jamboree
The Green Jamboree is a celebration of the Green Cluster and all things coloured green. It takes place in Oumaʻomaʻo, the land of all things coloured green.
Allow me to read about the Glade, a card based on the astrological sign of the Green Cluster. It shows rolling green hills that make people drop whatever they have and go outside to play. It is a card of play, fun, basic things that makes us want to go outside in the world. Something about giving into basic whims and spontaneity for fun.
Components and tools
The giants gather around items from the Green Cluster that makes them authentically them for the bash. The land is decorated by shrubs from the Botan Weald and kept by Arverdenian gardeners. They serve guests waters from the oceans of Aomizu. Even Reimseadh merchants is there hawking off clovers and good advice for a bit of Kina Emeralds.
One participant in the whole contest is the Green Jamboree is the Glade Giant of Grendevere. He is the supposed leader of Ouma'oma'o and is the most prou- wait ... I suppose the title refers to all the giants in Grendevere. They don't have a leader in Ouma'oma'o, but they have to send someone to the Intergalactic Leaders Retreat, and that someone is Leif, who is green to the whole "politics" thing.
We have a lot of morning people here, though I'm not that surprised. Living here feels like living in a room with a lamp. You can either turn it on or off. We serve plenty food here, I think the Ritekeeper of Growth brought some Weald Salad. It's really great since hers doesn't involve Protien Plants.
It lasts about a whole day. Not many people would like that it starts in the morning, but it tends to get more mature in the evening.
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