Faisk Character in BiddyNock Nackle's Gargantuan Guide to the Aether | World Anvil
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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Varies from mask to mask but they're much more flexible than they are strong, preferring finesse overall.

Identifying Characteristics

Faisk's main mask is a 5'4" teenage purple tiefling with indigo hair that's cropped short accenting her topaz eyes behind thin wire framed glasses. She has black spiraled horns, pointed canines, a purple tail ending in a devil's spade, and tucks a feather quill behind her ear when she's not in combat.

Special abilities

Knows a few healing spells and has gained some new knowledge in more warlock based spellcasting due to their sentient sword, Moonlighter.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually seen in dark leggings and a white peasant blouse, they wear a cargo jacket over it and has a golden ascot tied around their neck as an accent, pairing the outfit with knee high brown boots. Faisk carries their flowered magical sword and their warlock patron, Moonlighter on either hip and usually has a quiver slung over their left shoulder.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Faisk grew up in a small town rather out of the way in the Khestris Empire with their mother, Nik, and older sibling, Mai. Nik told stories throughout Faisk's childhood of their father, an earth genasi who disappeared shortly after Faisk was born which created a persistent curiosity just to figure out what had happened to him. Overall the family didn't really bother anyone, Nik being a tailor in town but that was the extent of it seeing as they lived on the outskirts. It wasn't a complete secret that the family were all changelings but no one really had any reason to go after them until years later, when Faisk was 10.   A group of cultists had been traveling through their hometown preaching against magic and blaming the world's problems on magic users. Faisk's family was packing to leave town when the cult, having done some digging, came after them to "get rid of the evil" and the group had to make a run for it. Faisk didn't exactly understand why they had to run and being the stubborn child that they were, slowed the group down causing them to be caught shortly after they had headed into the woods.   The cult surrounded them drawing swords and Nik sprung into action to defend her children, mist walking in and out of the ranks of the cult but it was only prolonging the situation. Luckily for the family, Zefra and Quinn had been in the area and heard this ruckus before heading to investigate and helping Nik get rid of what was left standing of the cult as Faisk clung to their sibling and looked on in awe.   Faisk decided right then and there they wanted to be like Zefra when they grew up and possibly find out what happened to their father in the process so after moving to another town, Faisk persuaded their mother to let them use one of Cobble's old bows he'd left behind and slowly started learning to shoot, going out at all times of the day as they got older and could take care of themselves.   Faisk eventually left their mother and sibling back home after they turned 18 with an elven mask in mind and armed with their father's bow, determined to find the Adventurer's Guild. What they didn't realize at the time due to them living so out of the way was that the Khestris Empire as a whole likes elves even less than changelings.   Taking on a job once there, Faisk awkwardly approached two adventurers who'd been getting yelled at by what they could assume was their boss and offered for the two to come along. The half elf and dwarf immediately knew she was still practically a child and practically adopted her, tagging along and the three completing the job almost with ease. They continued this way for a year or so before Faisk met the party and decided to travel with them for a while, promising to check in with their adoptive family every now and then.

Gender Identity

They/Them (nonbinary as a changeling), uses She/Her pronouns most often in their masks




Mostly self taught, Faisk enjoyed learning languages and has been spending their free time teaching themselves. They know 7 languages at the moment and lapse back and forth between them occasionally when they're flustered or when they meet new people. Faisk's mother Nik taught them and Mai some things while they still were residing peacefully in the village they were born in but Faisk never fully pursued an education after leaving home, instead becoming an adventurer


Currently an A- rank in the Adventurer's Guild

Intellectual Characteristics

Faisk is extremely capable when it comes to languages and translating but it doesn't always come across well as they forget words in Common and lapse into a different language to explain occasionally. They doesn't always have the most common sense, purely because they're still slightly childish and extremely awkward but they try their best.

Morality & Philosophy

Faisk's morality can be questionable at times as they have no qualms about breaking the law but also don't want to see those they care about getting hurt. They'll put their life on the line if it means it protects someone they're close to without a second thought. Faisk tries to think about others but is used to putting their needs first after some time on their own so they occasionally lapse back into that.

Personality Characteristics


Become a decent adventurer, see the world, protect their family and friends, keep their burnling safe

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good with archery, decent at healing spells   Bad at socializing and planning

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: light rain, wildlife, forests, the party, her warlock patron   Dislikes: people who hate changelings, wasps, uncomfortable shoes, getting told what to do by strangers

Virtues & Personality perks

Faisk is a loyal friend if you get close enough to them and will put their life on the line for you if the situation calls for it. They'll keep secrets if you ask them to and are always willing to listen and give advice.

Vices & Personality flaws

Faisk doesn't always think through their actions which can put them in danger at times and they can be horribly awkward around people they've just met. Sometimes coming off as insensitive, they can seem a little spacey almost like they're off in their own world.

Personality Quirks

They lapse into other languages randomly when they forget words in Common


They hate having dirt under their nails for more than an hour or two at a time. Occasionally will have ink smears on their hands due to their journaling but Faisk tries not to get much dirtier than that.


Contacts & Relations

Jom Jones


Family Ties

Cobble - father
Nik - mother
Mai - sibling
Roger, Richard, Senise, and Clarise - adoptive family

Religious Views

None really

Social Aptitude

Extremely awkward with new people but once they get comfortable, they can be kind of funny and enjoy messing with them.


They try to get along with almost everyone they know. Faisk enjoys making jokes occasionally with the party and is always slightly curious when it concerns knowledge the others might know.

Hobbies & Pets

They found a burnling at a smuggler's ring and after the party took care of the smugglers, took them under their wing, naming them Fëa-náro

22 years old and trying to make a place for themselves in the world, Faisk is a ranger crossed hexblade warlock with a passion for learning languages and a tendency to come off as really awkward.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
Taohvic 21st, 654 A.C
Khestris Empire
Current Residence
Black (kinda like black diamonds)
Pale pink, resembles quartz
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pearlescent, small crystals embedded in her shoulders
102 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, Primordial, Undercommon, Deep Speech, Infernal, Elvish

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