Corpse Wastes Geographic Location in Berrais | World Anvil
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Corpse Wastes

The Corpse Wastes are an extremely hostile hilly area on Eld'Henge. The Corpse Wastes are a large traction of land that were the sight of various conflicts during the War of Princes, often resulting in horrific loss of life for any fighting force.

Geographical Features:

This territory is noted for its high body count that, even over 100 years later, has yet to see full decomposition of corpses. The Corpse Wastes has only four rivers that run through it, though there are multiple lakes throughout. All water is unsually clean and safe to drink. The flora mainly consists of Ghost Grass, and the occasional oak tree, though they are shriveled and leafless.
  This area is famous for three peculiar features. Being the home of a clan of non-hostile Vampires called the Estriad, having the only naturally occurring environment that can sustain Ghost Grass, and for being a sinkhole for Necromatic energizes that spawn various forms of undead, from crawling claws to Vampires.


During the War of Princes, Eld'Henge became the main sight of conflict between the Isle Princes, who sought to claim Eld'Henge and all its Harksonian Ruins for themselves. These series of conflict saw over 300,000 lives lost in combat, and an additional uncountable mass of life lost during the Flight, the retreat of all Isle armies that left behind deserters, camp followers and families without a way back home.

Ghost Grass

Seemingly blooming from the multitude of bodies in the Corpse Wastes, this purplely-black tinged grass covers these rolling hills. Ghost Grass is unique in two ways, the first being its method of seed dispersal which relies on bloated corpses. The second point of uniqueness is the weak necrotic aura which effuses from the grass, that slowly harms any living beings in the area over the course of weeks.

Clan Estriad

This clan of vampires reside in the Corpse Wastes in various small communities. Estriad vampires appear to be non-hostile and are often very welcoming to travelers who are crossing the wastes, providing what ever hospitality they can. These vampires have tasked themselves to maintain the safety of the Ghost Wastes and often cull the populations of undead to do so. It is rumored that Clan Estriad does not require to Feed like normal vampires.
Rolling Hills

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