Lux's Trumpet Species in Beatha Rioban (Bee-tha Ri-o-ban) | World Anvil
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Lux's Trumpet

Lux's Trumpet is a very elegant and important flowering plant found throughout all temperate regions of The Ribbon and often propagated by the clergy of Lux. Lux's Trumpet is a small round bush with thick waxy deep green leaves usually found in the open on scrub grassland, thriving especially well on Dawnward facing land with plenty of sunlight.   After reaching maturity the main central stem will grow thick and incredibly sharp thorns, which are a sign that the plant is getting ready to flower and it is the flower that makes this plant special. Twice annually (normally mid Spring and early Autumn) pristine white flowers are produced in the shape of a trumpet's bowl; the age of a bush can be generally gauged by the number and size of the flowers produced.   Whilst pleasant to view and with a light flora aroma, their real importance and the reason they are named after Lux, is their medicinal qualities. The stamen of the flowers are dried and ground into a fine powder that acts as a quick acting and strong sedative when added to water and drunk. The petals themselves are also sought after and make a calming tea that is also a tonic that helps with cramps and settles digestive problems.   Being given a seed or even a sapling by a cleric of Lux is rare indeed and a sign of high praise, respect and/or affection.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Being a hardy perennial it is also a slow grower, taking up to a decade to bloom. Lux's Trumpet are also known to be extremely long lived with one bush being annually documented by temple records for over 2 centuries.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Strong sunlight and well drained rich soil.
Conservation Status
Plants tended to on temple grounds are off limits to anyone but the clerics of Lux, however, those in the wild are free to be harvested by those with the medical expertise to properly use the flowers or those that know the weight of the flowers in hard coin.   Whilst widespread and unthreatened as a species it is seen as extremely bad luck to harm one of Lux's Trumpets and deliberately doing so is said to bring a curse of ill health and pain.

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