Eeuwig en altijd Settlement in Bator, The Raven's nest | World Anvil
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Eeuwig en altijd


The vault is populated by a population of 300 prismatic dragons and 900 Vulkaanschubben with small populations of Mortal-kin that move in and out of the vault at their leisure


Eeuwig en altijd is an absolute theocracy, being governed by an avatar of Baronie who holds absolute sway over all residents of his domain who all follow with much zeal and pride in their role in the realm. The vault is also, partially, a plutocracy in that status among the higher beings that reside in the vault rise and sink through the ranks of the realm based on how much wealth they have accumulated and horded and large sums of money generally just grants one respect and status.   Besides the general collection, storage, organization, and documentations of the vast amounts of wealth that stream into the vault at all times the vault has little government or such that would fit a regular society. In all honesty the realm is more a bank than it is a city


Eeuwig en altijd is a literal machine built to house the greatest amount of wealth in the Abandoned Realm and do so efficiently. Thousands of astral tracks carry countless tonnes of platinum, chromium, diamond, moorbounders, ruby, alexandrite, purple wyrms, muscovite, and unknowable amounts of other valuable materials and creatures that move from one vault to another, to and fro the main one in the center of the realm where the avatar of Baronie makes its lair.    For the living population of Eeuwig en altijd the realm is less accessible but none the less well made as the hallways, lifts, and portals scattered through the vault are all clean and always accessible from every point in the vault.
Founding Date
When Baronie grazed in the verdant fields
Alternative Name(s)
The great treasury, the eternal vault
Underground / Vault
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
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