World Primer in Bastion | World Anvil
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World Primer

Almost every page (including this one, other than this box) on this site is written from the perspective of somebody in the world. Consider them scholarly essays or exerpts from books. If something is not from that perspective, it will be noted. Some articles contain quotes, those aren't part of the essays or exerpts from the in-world writers. They're just added for some flavor. Bastion is the glorious world created for us by The Divine One after he lead to victory in the Crusade of Light. As decreed by the God Emperor Bastion is divided into six realms, each of which he gifted to one of his Exarchs.   High above the world sits , Alverion's celestial throne. Arlethenon is always visible, reminding us of His glory and providing light to our world even at night. Crucially, it is from Arlethenon that shines down to hold back the darkness that plagued the world in the . High above the storms that constantly swirl around , it can be seen shimmering against the night sky.

Suggested Reading

The following scholarly writings provide a foundational grasp of our world. The Crusade of Light tells of Bastion's formation. The Shix attempts to enlighten us on our great enemy. Finally, all citizens of Bastion would do well to have a firm understanding The Court; it is far better to read of it than learn about it first hand.   Further information on species, realms, and more is availbalbe in the codex. (Accessed via the small moon to the left)  


Magic is very rare in Bastion outside the Arlvar race. Even among those favored peoples, anything beyond minor magic is extraordinary. The people who possess this rare gift are known as Light Touched. The priests of Alverion, Savior of All, teach that those born with magic have been chosen by the Divine One himself. They say He has gifted them with power so that they might carry out a great purpose in His name.

Despite the church's strict teachings, there are heretical ideas regarding the source of magic. Some believe it to be a fluke of fate that determines whether a person has magic or not. Alverion, in his great benevolence, tolerates these ideas so that the people might strengthen their faith by seeing the error of their ways on their own. This graciousness does not extend, however, to those who spread lies about other forces or beings that grant such power. Spreading such lies is perhaps the best way to invite a visit from a Judge.

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