The Spooky Forest Geographic Location in Bastarre | World Anvil
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The Spooky Forest

Once called the Laughing Forest, this lovely place is home to the largest group of gnomes on Bastarre. They, along with the sylvan folk who share the forest, have done much to make their home as forbidding as possible in an effort to ward off any who might attempt to invade. It’s quite difficult to feel any sense of intimidation from such a place, however, although I would be the last one to break that news to its inhabitants.   This was also once the home of the bravest and truest of all gnomish heroes, Periwinkle Twitchtwig, who holds a special place in the hearts of her fellow gnomes. Every year they hold a festival in her honor, which helps to bolster their hope and belief in something better. Dear, dear Periwinkle… how I miss you.     -Maradeja Bidingsun, Bard of the Royal Elven Court of Silvermoon Forest


The forest is located in the center of a small continent, between the countries of Ovidan and Thintos. It stretches east and west to reach the coast on each side, although the waters on the east are quite treacherous, while the bay to the west is a pleasant place to swim and fish. The forest touches plains to both the north and the south.

Fauna & Flora

The trees making up the forest are deciduous, much of the forest floor covered in dense undergrowth. A moderate number of trees sprout flowers in the Spring, and a vast array of birds are drawn to nest here. There are several large oaks in which dryads live, and there is even a unicorn that abides in the forest, helping to protect its folk.   Deer aplenty call the forest home, along with a large number of small herbivores. One or two families of black bears can be found here as well. Most predators avoid going too deep into the forest, although many bobcats make their homes in the forest.

Natural Resources

The most prolific natural resource here is obviously wood, although few people from the outside presume to take any save some on the borders. The gnomes have several small orchards of fruit trees planted next to some of the clearings that make up gnomish villages, and most gnomes grow their own small gardens.   There are also some herbs and other plants that grow here that can be used for medicines and even poisons.
Forest Protections
The gnomes use various ways to keep visitors from wandering into their forest. Their most potent form of protection is the use of illusions. Gnomes are known as some of the most accomplished and talented illusionists, and they use this skill to their advantage. A large number of areas are rigged with illusions of frightening creatures that will go off with certain triggers.   The gnomes also have a number of highly skilled rogues, some of whom have special training in the creation and setting of traps. These can be a little trickier than the illusions since the gnomes don't want animals or other friendly creatures who live in the forest to get captured or injured by these traps, so great care is taken in the types and placement of the traps.   Nature itself is also used to the advantage of the forest inhabitants. Druids, as well as fae and sylvan creatures, use their skills with both animals and plants to help with protections and diversions.
Alternative Name(s)
The Laughing Forest
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Related Myths

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Jul 13, 2019 08:11

Cute and nice article. I wish you had expanded a bit more on what exactly are the gnomes doing to make the forest feel as forbidding as possible. Maybe something to add in the sidebar?

Jul 14, 2019 01:13

Thank you! I'm planning on adding more as I go along, probably after the challenge is over so I can put more focus on it.