Half-Orcs Ethnicity in Balendore | World Anvil
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Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Baggi, Emen, Engong, Kansif, Myev, Neega. Ovak, Ownka, Shautha. Sutha, Vola, Volen, Yevelda

Masculine names

Dench, Feng, Gell, Henk, Hoig, lmsh, Keth, Krusk, Mhurren, Rant, Shump, Thokk

Family names

Bee, Brundle, Grackle, Porgue and many other family names that aren't as influential.


Major language groups and dialects

Orcish and Elven

Shared customary codes and values

Half-Orcs are hospitable to all that enter their dwelling and are often kind to those that are in need of help. Although, they do pity weakness so when they help others they have an aura of annoyance about them. All half-orcs value strength above all else, mainly in its physical form but other strengths are accepted as well.


Beauty Ideals

Beauty in the eye of the half-orc is measured by how hairy and tribal the opposite sex is. The more hair the better and tattoos made from ink that reveal ancestral stories of their family are considered very attractive. Muscle size is also a big measure of beauty in the half-orc community.

Gender Ideals

Males that are decorated in trimmed large tufts of hair and bulging muscles are very appealing to the female half-orcs. Other jewelry like bone piercings and spoils of hunted animals are also game changers.

Female half-orcs who decorate their body in tattoos in provocative locations and have large muscles are the most likely to attract the opposite sex. The tougher the female looks the more likely they are to be followed by many half-orc males. A fiery personality is always desired as well.

If you can't be shut down by your woman, she ain't the one for you bud.- Torduk Porgue

Courtship Ideals

Males compete for the attention of females by testing the limits of their strength with feats that demand applause. For example, a male half-orc trying to impress a lady will walk on their hands until the woman accepts his offer which could be days. Fighting does happen amongst half-orc males but it is usually controlled and honorable. The victor usually getting the attention of many females. Homosexuality does occur but they do not remain mates, instead, they use the same sex as a means of sexual relief but eventually find a member of the opposite sex to produce offspring to further their bloodline and keep them relevant in the empire.

Relationship Ideals

When male and female half-orcs bond and have a child they remain at each other's side for the remainder of their lives. After they have their first child they tie a clipping of the other's hair into their own hair and they do this for each child they have. Another common practice of couples is to plant a 20ft wooden pole into the ground that is a foot in diameter and the half-orcs link arms and climb the pole to the top. If they make it to the top they know they can work together to raise strong children, if they do not reach the top they end the relationship immediately because it proves they can't work together well enough to climb literally and figuratively.
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