Synthetic Demons Species in B Universe | World Anvil
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Synthetic Demons

Technically classified as Nimero, Synthetic Demons, or Synthos, are a type of Crafted Demon that is made of machinery rather than flesh. Synthos always have Mind and/or Light abilities due to those being the most compatible with their mechanical forms. Also called Robot Demons, Synthos are easier to create than a normal Crafted Demon due to their inorganic nature and supposed lack of soul, but are relatively uncommon due to the stringent laws about their creation and treatment. Socially, a Synthetic is viewed as Tertiary in rank. NM

Basic Information


  • Anatomy is dependant on construction.

Genetics and Reproduction

  • As a Synthetic can only be made and not born, the only way they can reproduce is by making more out of synthetic materials. They also do not have genetics as they do not have DNA.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Growth is at the digression of the creator.

Ecology and Habitats

Dry environments of moderate to low temperate are prefered as dampness or too high of heat can cause issues with some Synthetics' internal systems.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Often are able to perceive better than most living beings as they are able to scan their surroundings and analyze it much faster than a human or demon brain can.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Syntheticum infernum sapiens
Construction, often by a demon with the Construct Attribute Synthetic Demons can only be successfully made by putting the soul of a living being into a synthetic body.
Related Ethnicities

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