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Breakthrough, Inc. is a Welsh news and entertainment company.


Breakthrough has two main branches, news and entertainment, though some people work in both branches. News refers to the news and written articles that go on in the print magazine or on the website. Entertainment refers to the more "just for fun" stuff that's usually found in the videos.
Within each of these branches, there are different smaller departments, like the finance for each, photography, and video production. Each department has a head and several people working under them. There are also smaller teams of people from different departments working on different projects, like their video series "Break in the Case", where they discuss unsolved crimes and unexplained mysteries or their "Break the mould" articles, which highlight interesting people, historical or modern.

Public Agenda

Breakthrough endeavours to make news and entertainment accessible to the publicans easy to consume while balancing between the two.


Breakthrough, Inc. originally started as a magazine on Sept 14, 2000, geared towards news and interesting happening in Wales, but expanding its reach to the internet as internet media became more accessible, launching the Breakthru Video YouTube channel on June 6, 2009, and incorporating new types of articles for their magazine and website, such as Martha's mug, an advice column.

Break barriers, follow through.

Founding Date
2000 CE (5900 FA)
Corporation, Entertainment
Alternative Names
  • Breakthrough Magazine
  • Breakthru

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