Drake Praxxis Character in Azurvan | World Anvil

Drake Praxxis

Prince of Kratus Drake Praxxis (a.k.a. Fake Praxxis)

Drake Praxxis is the third child, second son of Robert and Selene Praxxis. Drake is unique among the Praxxis children in that he is without the ability to empower lodestones.   Despite this, Drake is perhaps one of the greatest engineering minds in the world. He designed and constructed his own airship, The Wayward Dragon, and is an accomplished and storied captain even at his young age.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, lean and muscular, Drake Praxxis is handsome (though perhaps unconventionally so) by any objective measure. His head is bald, though he wears a narrow, stubble beard along his jawline with a thin mustache and goatee; the black facial hair accenting his lightly tanned skin. His eyes are heterochromic, the left is hazel-green, the right is blue. Intricate tattoos of twin dragons adorn his skin. The dragons are identical in profile, though one appears mechanical, with rivets at the joints and clockwork through its body; in contrast to its more organic counterpart. The tails of the beasts wend their way along the lines of his muscled limbs, highlighting the lines of his physique.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Drake Praxxis; the first of his name, Son of Robert Praxxis comes into manhood. The great-grandson of Marcus Praxxis, Drake was the third child of his generation. His elder brother Marcus, second of his name, was the firstborn, and carried the power of the Lodestones within him. Likewise his elder sister Dierdre, the second child born to Robert and Selene. Drake himself seemed to have not manifested the power or talent to create the Lodestones that powered the Airships, and his other sister Bethany was yet too young to know of her own talents. He was the first true-born Praxxis in memory who was unable to do so, some even called him ‘the Fake Praxxis’.   Drake spent much of his young life in the shadow of his brother. Though largely ignored by his father, Drake’s brother was as kind as Drake would allow him to be. Sometimes it was all too much and Drake would lash out at anyone who tried to comfort him; he viewed their words as false, hollow and patronizing. Drake drowned his anger and self-loathing into training with Corwin, the Master-at-Arms, a man who had become more of a father to Drake than Robert.   In Drake’s sixteenth year, his brother was to be wed to a maiden princess from the North in an effort to begin brokering peace amongst the neighboring kingdoms. Conflict with the Aluvians to the south had begun to subside, and there was talk of a similar arrangement with them.   Two nights before the wedding, Drake, Marcus and Marcus’s Bride-to-be strolled through the streets of the capital after a festive evening. A gang of isolationists cornered them in the streets, threatening to kill the foreign woman whom they saw as an invader. Drake, already an accomplished fighter, stood between his brother and the attackers, insisting that they run. Marcus would hear none of it, and shoved his brother to the side, declaring that honor demanded he answered this challenge himself.   A dozen men was more than a match for them, and before long, Marcus and his bride lay together in a pool of blood, and Drake himself lay clinging to life, battered and bloodied. “The Fake Praxxis isn’t worth the time,” they had said as they walked away, “Let him die in the gutter.”   A loyalist citizen had seen the commotion and ran to fetch the royal guard, but they arrived too late. Corwin himself carried Drake to the Apothecary, maintaining a constant vigil until the young prince had recovered. As a result of the attack, the treaty between the two kingdoms collapsed, reigniting the conflict on the northern border of Kratus.   Since then, Drake has eschewed the family politics and responsibilities. He has stolen air ships from the fleet, taking them on trips across the seas to lands all over the world. At times he is surrounded by people who call him their friend, knowing they are little more than sycophants trying to make a name for themselves. His hatred turned hedonism, Drake enjoys the comfort of wine, women and festivals. While his moral compass may be a bit “wayward” he does retain a sense of justice. Despite viewing it as a bit of a chore, he will readily stand up for children, women or the weak and downtrodden; though he has no compulsion about charming his way between the thighs of a woman who’s caught his fancy. Despite his privileged position, he never uses his family name, preferring to make his own way in the world.   Drake is gone so much that his face is rarely recognized when he is back in the capital. Enjoying the anonymity, Drake revels in his scoundrel’s life even there, enraging his father and frustrating the nobles who constantly chase after him.


Drake's academics began almost as soon as he spoke his first words. As a Prince of the Kratan Kingdom, he had the finest tutors and scholars instruct him in his formative years.   Began apprenticing at Praxxis Shipworks.   Spent two years aboard a sailing ship as crew and later a captain   Apprenticed to Praxxis Skyworks

Accomplishments & Achievements

Designed and constructed The Wayward Dragon.


Social Aptitude

Drake carries himself with a slight swagger. He is friendly and easy to speak with; a free spirit with a mischievous side. He is an adventure seeker, often throwing caution to the wind and leaping before looking or thinking. He loves celebration, caring little for another’s status or station if their demeanor is right. Despite his festive and easy-going charm, he never shies away from a fight, and will quickly step in when the weak or helpless are oppressed.


Drake Praxxis

Husband (Vital)

Towards Ayeriyaddeshah Jyn Golderrumani Estorborn Undali



Ayeriyaddeshah Jyn Golderrumani Estorborn Undali

Wife (Vital)

Towards Drake Praxxis



Marcus Praxxis 3rd

Half-Brother (Important)

Towards Drake Praxxis


Drake Praxxis

Half-Brother (Important)

Towards Marcus Praxxis 3rd


Dierdre Selene Praxxis


Towards Drake Praxxis


Drake Praxxis


Towards Dierdre Selene Praxxis


Bethany Selene Praxxis


Towards Drake Praxxis


Drake Praxxis


Towards Bethany Selene Praxxis


Chaotic Good
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
3rd of Spring, 1603 AoW
Year of Birth
1603 AoW 25 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Kratan Royal Palace
Parents (Adopting)
Marcus Praxxis 3rd (Half-Brother)
Dierdre Selene Praxxis (Half-Sister)
He, Him
Heterochromic eyes - Blue on the right, Hazel on the left
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
204 lbs
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization

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