Laudia Geographic Location in Azuna | World Anvil
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Nation on the Northwest section of Tascily, Laudia has had a short but tumultuous history. Initially born as a tribe splitting from Forsania to create their own nation, they were allowed to depart in peace. In order to obtain land however, they began slaughtering the elven folk that resided within the territory and attempted to drive them from the land entirely. Far too late into the massacre, Forsania attempted to intervene and but was unable to stop the near total annihilation of the elves and other fey races within the region. A war for several decades ensued, until the Mage Mordecai rose to power in the Northeast and posed a significant threat to both sides. The two nations united to form and mutually protect a border that restricted Mordecai's forces from breaching. This forced the mage's desperation and the subsequent catastrophe. The two nations upheld the truce and mutual defense for the centuries following in order to ensure that the border would never fall to the lingering undead. Laudia never changed from their Xenophobic ways however and to this day continues to oppress the races within its borders that it sees as lesser.    Primary Races: Humans Halflings Goliaths Dwarves
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