Flametar Material in Azaria | World Anvil
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Material Characteristics

A thick tar-like residue discovered in the Ornixa mines. Initially it was presumed a waste material, but after turning it into another compound it burns much hotter than coal/ wood and is a valued fuel source. This was discovered by Lord Alexander Balthanders, current owner of the Ornixa mines.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Burns at least four times hotter than coal or wood, and a smaller amount is needed to produce the same energy. The residue it leaves behind after burning smells like almonds.

Geology & Geography

Only available in the Ornixa mines

Origin & Source

Thought to be a result of strange chemical imbalances in the mines; it is actually due to the affect of the Holy Runes in the local shrine altering the rocks and ore.

Life & Expiration

It has a half life of 12 hours; this is considerable lengthened when it is mixed with stabilisers such as Wharton's oil. It can be stored for up to 6 months with stabilisers.
After burning it smells like almonds
Black, turns to a grey-white ash residue after burning
Common State
As a liquid sludge

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