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Within each gem a drop from the ocean of the Jacarandole's power. A myriad of worlds, fragmented throughout a crystal, twinkling in the sunlight as they wait to be unleashed in ours.
— Maičihan myth


Material Characteristics

Uncut illusorite has a dull, flaky surface that is brittle and easily breaks apart when handled. The mineral is found in small amounts, the largest being around the size of a human head. Thus, the resulting gems are small, at most the size of the palm of your hand.   The gems are usually cut in an ovular or teardrop shape with facets usually added to the latter to provide more surface for the engraving of magic circles. When polished, the gem loses its dull and opaque color and becomes a beautiful, translucent, milky white. When held up to the sun, you can see the crisscrossed crystal planes that are believed to be the reason behind the gem's amplification of photomancy.

Geology & Geography

The mineral only occurs in the Cloudlocked Mountain Range that forms a natural border between Močavi and Nilurra. The occurance of the mineral is believed to be the cause of many strange sightings and events reported in the mountains though the Maičihan people believe it to be the territory of the Jacarandole.

History & Usage


The mineral was first discovered by the Maičihan people of Močavi when searching for the realm of the Jacarandole. They believed it to be the shed scales of the Jacarandole and began to incorporate it into their jewelry and trinkets. Soon, someone discovered that their illusions were amplified while the gem was on their person and it became an object sacred to their people.

Everyday use

With its innate ability to amplify photomancers' illusions, illusorite is most commonly carried by photomancers in its cut form. While most can only afford the plain gem, those with the resources and connections have a myriad of magic circles engraved in the gem, making it an essential tool for photomancers.   The gem is used as a material for engraving magic circles. Its composition seems to amplify the effects of illusory magics making them much harder to see through..

Cultural Significance and Usage

The Maičihan people of Močavi are well versed in the ways of photomancy and the creation of illusions and use it during ceremonies celebrating the Jacarandole. During these ceremonies the gems are used to create a vast array of illusions that cover the swamp. Travelers mark the days of the ceremonies down on their calendars as a reminder not to travel in the swamp during this period as many people have gotten lost or mysteriously disappeared when travelling in the illusions.


The amplification ability of the mineral in its natural state still works but is quite weak and the mineral itself is brittle and easy to break. The mineral is cut into a gem, hardening its surface and allowing its true power to shine.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

When transfering the uncut mineral to be cut, the mineral is often damaged with small pieces breaking off. If the piece is too small it is unable to be refined into a gem. These pieces do not go to waste but are instead ground into a powder. In recent years, performance troupes have used the powder in their illusions, with geomancers and anemomancers manipulating the particles to provide more realism by provoking the audience's sense of touch.


Trade & Market

Illusorite is only available for purchase in Močavi. Though the Maičihan people fought against its commercialization, believing it to be a sacred item, the Močavi government has disregarded their opinion in the matter, directly mining from the mountain range.


Gems are usually stored individually in a small padded box to prevent damage. Even though they are stronger once cut, they are still fragile and any nicks and scratches can greatly decrease their effects.
Uncut : dull, opaque, grey
Cut : translucent, milky white
Common State
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