Game Mechanics in Avaloros | World Anvil
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Game Mechanics

Core mechanics and features, and how they will be used.

Rules from D&D 5e


Rules from The One Ring


Rules from Fateforge


Rules from Avaloros

Avalorosian Rituals
Themepark Sandbox


Madness Checks

Any scene or thought that is sufficiently alien and repulsive to the pleasant life will trigger a saving throw against madness. The relative weaknesses and strengths of ones psyche as well as the extent to which the instigating event disturbs the PC gives the DC for the save. There are degrees of success and failure when making a madness saving throw, and how far the roll is from the DC determines the severity of effect. Rolling much higher than the DC might even provide positive effects such as a temporary bonus to future saving throws.

Wilderness Camps

Long distance travel and camping in the wilderness is very dangerous. Available food, secure locations, and wandering bandits, beasts, and monsters make each night a trial. Perpetration can minimize the risks, and no travelling party is complete without a store of food and well-armed guards.



Coming into contact with corrupting influence will slowly morph the PC into a dark being. There might be some benefits associated with this change, but eventually the cost will rise and you will not be able to achieve your goals in the way that you originally wanted. One must not be reckless in any pursuits, though it may be interesting to watch as one or more of the PCs attempt this tightrope walk.


Your reputation with the different factions of the world will change when your PC succeeds or fails their expectations. This will affect how they react to you in future encounters and could be positive or negative depending on the situation. Reaching reputation thresholds will open or close new doors for the PCs. How will the world of Avalon see you?


Adventurers Tales

Free room and board available in outskirt villages to those adventurers who provide entertainment.
1 story per PC per night = fine food and warm/dry place to rest. Group story-telling requires different PCs to fill different roles to entertain the audience. Orator, musician, performer, etc. Multiple PCs can fill the same role if they describe how they contribute to the telling.

Adventurers Coin

PCs always have a reliable source of income in the form of guild bounties. All guilds will post bounties relating to the completion of their namesake task. The most common reward would be gold pieces, but services and pure reputation are sometimes offered in difficult times or to subsidize the gold reward.

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