Everen Organization in Avaløn | World Anvil
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  Everen is a country in Western Σu'ryxia. It covers approximately 149,000 square miles and has a population of 47.6 million. It borders The Forgotten Wealds and The Golden Shores. The Capital of Everen is Terren.


  Everen boasts the title of Σu'ryxia's oldest country, according to foreign settlers. Modern day Everen is where Romac Alixiron landed when he first discovered the continent in 6541 BXR. In 6519 BXR, Alixiron was assassinated by Ferdar Vorvanos, kickstarting Σu'ryxia's first monarchy. During the reign of the sons of Vorvanos, the new world began to rapidly expand as foreign explorers were now crossing mountains and rivers further into the continent. Everen became the center of the expansion and the city of Terren became Σu'ryxia's Grand Capital. After 7000 years of different bloodlines taking up the mantle as King of Everen, the monarchy was abolished in 486 AXR when Xadeas Barontyne rose to power. Instead of seizing the title of King, instead Barontyne promised the people of Everen that he would make the country the Capital of the World. Over the next few years, Emperor Barontyne expanded his empire along the Alta-Nova Coast in a way that he saw to fit his vision of unity. Recently, Everen declared war on Eld'rinoth for going against the Emperor.  


  Everen is totalitarian, ruled over by Emperor Barontyne. Underneath the Emperor is the High Dominion, a cabinet that handles different aspects of law in Everen. The Everean Government is based in Everen's capital Terren. Law and order is enforced by the Wardens.


  Krakens are the currency used by Everen. They come in the form of copper, silver, gold and platinum. One Kraken is worth 3 pieces.  

Civil War

  Evrenia is heavily Mesilist.
Geopolitical, Country

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