Σu'ryxia Geographic Location in Avaløn | World Anvil
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  Σu'ryxia is the youngest continent on Avalǿn. This 878 mile wide landmass has emerald hills, grand summits and sprawling forests, being home to 11 million people, and countless heroes. Σu'ryxia spans from scorching deserts to frozen wastelands whilst also being the heart of many diverse cultures. Even when facing darker days, which are now fast approaching, the continent smiles in the face of danger and always manages to make it to the other side.  


  Discovered by Romac Alixiron in 6541 BXR, Σu'ryxia soon became Avalǿn's favourite child due to its new horizons and promise of opportunity. Its new land and natural life meant for more advanced medicines, better foods and the irrepressible growth of tomorrow's societies. Starting out from modern day Everen, various nomads and explorers gradually explored further and further into the heart of Σu'ryxia, wandering as far as they could until they were stopped by extreme temperatures and terrain. The first established country in Σu'ryxia was Everen, which shares its birthday with the continent. Closely following, Calanthe was founded in 6331 BXR as a separate country due to overpopulation. Eld'rinoth became the third country during the 62nd Century BXR and finally Archadea became the youngest country at the time in 4877 BXR, where it would remain for over 3000 years. Σu'ryxia seemed to always be in a state constant turmoil: from the Eternal Frost to the Intercontinental Wars and even wars between countries inside of the continent. It wasn't until 1227 BXR that Σu'ryxia finally became what it is today with the founding of its fifth and final country Qaruno. Its mountainous landscape attracted many Dwarves to the continent, helping establish it further. Sadly, during The Wars of Xandria, Σu'ryxia was left in ruins by the Underbloods and many civilisations had to be built up again. Moreover, modern day hasn't quite quenched the bite of warfare either as for the past 11 years, countries have once again turned on each other in The Σu'ryxian Civil War and many believe with the way the war is going, the continent will eventually be its own downfall.  


  The continent for the moment is under the rule of six world leaders. Emperor Barontyne represents Everen and most of the Alta-Nova Coast, King Cydranon represents the forests of Eld'rinoth, King Strividn governs the Kingdom of Calanthe, Grand Magistra Emberlight manages Archadea and Thorym Irønhardt and Winston Van Der Bra'at each control the two provinces of Qaruno: Dörnamfærn and Ragnizdé.


  • Map of Σu'ryxia
    Welcome to Σu'ryxia, Avaløn's favourite continent. A relentless conflict rages about the land - a war sparked by the discordance of unity and freedom. As havoc infects more and more golden fields, many pray the war will just pass them by. However, if heroes don't step up to the mantle soon, something much worse will leave Avaløn in ruins.

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