Torag Honor Courts Organization in Augeron | World Anvil
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Torag Honor Courts

While all dwarves have great respect for the lives of themselves and each other, their honor and mutual obligation holds dwarven society together. Any dwarf would rather die than see dishonor come upon themselves, their family or their clan. Although clan honor is something that all dwarves are taught about as children, it is really a fundamental part of their psychology. -The Dwarf's Guide to Roleplaying a Dwarf, Sam Sherry   These court systems perform the typically understood roles of most courts: adjudicating contracts, disputes, laws, etc., but does so on the grounds of dwarven honor. In so doing, these courts work to clarify the events surrounding honorable or dishonorable actions, ameliorating and extenuating circumstances, oaths taken, etc., and to determine the degree to which one's honor is bolstered or harmed by these events. The specifics are recorded for official use, but the final verdict of dishonorable dwarves' statuses are displayed publicly for all to see, along with concise reasons for their lost status, be it treachery, cowardice, breaking official laws, etc. The same displays are used to present those whose honor has been repaired and why; displays are not kept of those who hold a currently honorable reputation, due to sheer numbers. Trials conducted in this system are often very public affairs, and the large audiences even participate to a degree as an interesting mix of jury and reality show audience.

Public Agenda

To promote honor and order among and between dwarves.

Cosmological Views

Moradin is the father and creator of the dwarven race.

Tenets of Faith

Honor Moradin by emulating his principles and workmanship in smithing, stoneworking, and other tasks. Wisdom is derived from life and tempered with experience. Advance the dwarven race in all areas of life. Innovate with new processes and skills. Found new kingdoms and clan lands, defending the existing ones from all threats. Lead the dwarves in the traditions laid down by the Soul Forger. Honor your clan leaders as you honor Moradin.


Moradin's clerics, known as Sonnlinor, were usually drawn from family lines, like most dwarven occupations; they wore earthy colors, with chain mail and silvered helms. Moradin charged his followers with the task of wiping out the kingdoms of orcs and wiping out the followers of Gruumsh. The church of Moradin had an active role in guiding the morals of dwarven communities; they emphasized his hand in everyday dwarven activities such as mining, smithing, and engineering, and invoked his blessing when these tasks began. They led the push to found new dwarven kingdoms and increase their status among surface communities.

On Your Honor

Court System
Alternative Names
Moradin Courts, Dwarven Courts
Notable Members

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