Segellian Solicitors' Association Organization in Augeron | World Anvil
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Segellian Solicitors' Association

The legal face of the criminal underworld in Segel, "solicitor" is the term used for one who facilitates transactions between parties for goods and services, both above-board and illicit. Need a rare or even illegal Item? Acquisitions agents can get almost anything to or from anywhere. Need information on something or someone? Private Investigators are often willing to go to outright obsessive lengths to track down the information required of them via myriad means. Need someone to disappear, leave town, or change their mind on a subject? The human resources department employs a range of Enforcers, Exterminators, and Negotiators to tackle any interpersonal problems you may have.

The main limiting factor in the Association's operations, other than gold, is its role in ensuring that none of its affiliates upset too many of the wrong people so as to keep legal heat as low as possible. Pursuant to this end, the underbelly of the organization actively works to recruit local troublemakers, both to swell their talent pool and to clear the streets of Segel. The Association even works to aid law enforcement in the more well-to-do areas of Segel to engender more goodwill with both the people and nobility, encouraging a more lax outlook on their operations. Indeed, within the confines of Segel, almost all crime sanctioned by the Solicitor Association takes the form of bribery, lobbying, smuggling, and regulated espionage, with the more objectionable operations taking place outside the city and away from its interests. The Association acts as a de facto espionage arm of the Maartellan throne, so allowing Association agents to act against the Crown would put the organization's privileged position in immediate jeopardy.


The Head Solicitor directs the larger activities of the Association, while both receiving counsel from and delegating duties to the heads of the different branches of expertise withing the organization.

Public Agenda

Help people make their needs and services known to each other, and provide regular work for its constituent professional members.


Assembly building, some small boats, carts/wagons

Connecting People

Founding Date
Guild, Thieves
Alternative Names
The Right and Resourceful Association of Solicitors of Segel, the Solicitors' Guild
Controlled Territories

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