Hunters of the Oracular Guard Organization in Augeron | World Anvil
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Hunters of the Oracular Guard

This branch of the Oracular Guard of Aketonia is composed of those that were better suited to travel, self-sustenance, and the outdoors; They were typically recruited from hunters-by-trade, trappers, and other sorts. Rather than combating wizards, sorcerers, and the like, the Hunters are tasked primarily with tracking and bringing down magical beasts and other 'natural' abominations. Despite magic being dispelled from the world millennia ago, monsters still roamed the land for that entire time, making the Oracular Hunters an important organization for all of those living in Aketonia.

Public Agenda

Slay the monsters that plague Aketonia.


Founded shortly after the founding of the Arcane Guard of Aketonia, the Hunters performed a forward scouting roll and developed their own tactics for dealing with the beasts they inevitably encountered so far away from the larger Guard force.

Укрощение пустыни Taming the Wastes

Military, Special Operations Force
Alternative Names
The Arcane Hunters
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization

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