Democracy Questions in Atypiquill | World Anvil
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Democracy Questions

Questions of Votes

Who is allowed to vote?
What specifications do you need to meet to be eligible to vote?
How often does voting take place?
Where does voting take place?
How easy is it to vote?
Do people have faith in their votes?
What do the people get to vote on? What is out of their control?
How are votes cast? Do they use ballot papers? Stones in urns? Tallies?
Who and how are the votes counted? Are they honest and reliable?

Questions of Election

How do you become eligible for election?
How do parties or individual campaign for their election?
How long does an individual serve for?
Are there any ways to remove a person from power?
How is power distributed within the government?
How many officials make up the government?
What are the different sections of government?
Are all minorities and demographics sufficiently represented?
What happens if a vote tally is inconclusive?

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