Anshire Settlement in Atox | World Anvil
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You begin your journey in Anshire, a large city on the southern coast of Atox, within the bay created by the two plane regions. What was once a mid-size city, Anshire is now the second largest city in all of Atox, second to Falwood in the Greenter Woodlands.


People of all race live here, although most are peaceful. It is not weighted more towards any one race than another. There is a strong economic split between the people though. People are either surviving well, or they are struggling to find their next meal. There is no inbetween. Many of the poorer turn to crime to survive, and few are punished for this.


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Less of a government and more of a mob. Raventhorn is the name of the group who runs the city. This is a group of rogues who communicate through Thieve's Cant throughout the city. They protect and provide resources for their own and for those who pay in whatever way they can. Those who cannot afford don't receive the aid, and are likely to die without the help. Raventhorn is a purely money-motivated group, they do not actively harm those who cannot pay. Anshire is one of the only cities that has a group like this, so many other cities are failing. Although Raventhorn is not a good group, they are some sort of group and they do help. They, however, do not punish those who rob or steal unless they are robbing or stealing from Raventhorn, so the town is full of crime.


Surrounded by walls and heavily protected by a dedicated number of guards, this city is heavily protected from both those coming in and getting out.

Industry & Trade

Anshire is the agricultural capital of Atox. Almost all the food for the continent is grown here. People needing food from other regions come here to trade their goods for the food that they produce. Most people are farmers.


Surrounded by heavily fortified, although makeshift, walls on three sides, and water on the fourth, Anshire is a heavily protected and guarded city. Many families have taken residence here, since it is one of the safer cities and regions to live in.   The city also has a poorly maintained water power plant, that provides power at a price. Run by the
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clan, you must have the right connections to access power in the city.

Guilds and Factions

There is talk of a group of thieves in the city, but unless you understand the thieve's secret language, or have a friend who does, you cannot hope to access their knowledge.   Others in the city have grouped together and formed small guilds and factions based on class, but there isn't anything substantial. There are a few groups of mercenaries or bounty hunters around the city, but Anshire is relatively safe and does not need a lot of these types of people.


Before the war, Anshire was a mid-sized city, still known for agricultural exports.


Most buildings are falling apart by this point from lack of upkeep. Skyscrapers have tumbled to the ground, and most buildings aren't more than 4 or 5 stories tall. The skeletons of some taller buildings still exist, but climbing to the tops of them is nearly impossible.


Located in the inland plains region.

Natural Resources

They grow lots of food here.
Large city
Location under
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