Tower of Light Building / Landmark in Athena | World Anvil
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Tower of Light

Built in the year 646 AF in honor of Auna, the original tower was a place of worship, that measured the time by the daylight. Years later, the tower was refitted with a clock, that chimes the hour. Some see the refit as heretical, while others view it as a moving past the dark ages of Athena.

Purpose / Function

A clocktower, it chimes the hour across the city, as well as displaying the current time on all 3 faces.


A massive reconstruction in 717 saw the original tower  turned from an older style of clock, using the sun and transmutation magic to display the time, into a more modern mechanical construction. As part of this, the elements of the tower that were originally a monument to Auna were repurposes into a more secular design, including a large internal statue which was transformed into a gnomish inventor.


Marble walls with bright ocean blue roof and accent.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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