The Planes of Reality Geographic Location in Athena | World Anvil
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The Planes of Reality

Feldin Bluebottle described the planes of existence as:
"To gaze upon [the planes] is to gaze upon the whole of creation. From here, I can see reality as the gods do.


At the centre of the planes is the Material plane. From above, the light of the High Plane where the gods once sat sheds light upon the material world. In the shadow of the material plane is one of its echoes, the Shadowfell. Sitting just above the Material plane is the Feywild, which emanates the arcane energy that powers all spellcasters.

Surrounding all of the planes is the Astral Plane, the miasma that connects them. It flows between all the planes in strange and unknowable rivers and whirlpools.

The plane of the dead, Uephire exists below the Shadowfell, protected by The Veil, the barrier that prevents access to the dead.

At the edges of the known universe, going off into infinity is the Elemental Chaos, the endless elements of fire, water, earth and air that the gods used to build the world.
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