Shadowfell Geographic Location in Athena | World Anvil
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To describe the Shadowfell, one must understand shadows: in our plane, our bodies cast shadows onto the world. Our souls too, cast shadows, but upon the Fell. Material shadows are a lack of light. Fell shadows are a lack of soul.
Feldin Bluebottle, "A Study of Planes"
Echoing the Material Plane, the Shadowfell is a place of darkness and ghoulish monsters. Where the material has trees, the Fell has black shadows of rotting trees. Where the material has rivers and lakes, the Fell has murky rivers of goo.


The Geography of the Shadowfell matches the material plane. Always bathed in a darkness the Material plane doesn't understand: even the creatures with darkvision can't pierce through it.

Fauna & Flora

Demons and devils of pure evil and chaos make their home here, delighting in the darkness. Other, less evil creatures do make their home here, flitting about in the shadow.
Alternative Name(s)
the Fell
Dimensional plane
Location under

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