Cymus'kael Organization in Athena | World Anvil
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Meaning "Sacred Blood" in the elven tongue, the Cymus'Kael are the upper echelon of the Grand Duchy of Gritesia's internal military/ police force. Said to be the secret puppetmaster of the Gritesian government, the Cymus'Kael operate out of the city of Redrock, near the south of the nation, but have councils in A'mashara and other major cities.
Whatever governance they follow, their stated goal is to prevent treason and sedition within the nation. To this end, they will arrest anyone they suspect of being traitorous, acting suspicions, or whatever they deem as concerning enough to lock someone away. Rarely do people return, and when they do, they're never the same.

To Protect the Affairs of Gritesia

Secret, Military
Alternative Names
Sacred Blood (elvish)
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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