The Silver Protectorate Organization in Athariel | World Anvil
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The Silver Protectorate

The Silver Protectorate hunts accursed beings, whether they be specters, reanimated corpses, weretouched creatures, and those that would produce such beasts. Despite this seemingly noble ideal, they are driven into hiding due to their unorthodox and brutal means of warding off these fiends.


The Silver Protectorate has a single harbinger, member who is to be present for all major discussions and decisions, after the harbinger comes the Protectors of Phetala, whom go out and "investigate" the homes of those that they suspect may be taking part in dark rituals, then there is the hunters who are used as the main force, and finally is the initiate, who are to train under the Protectors of Vinelion to eventually become hunters.

Public Agenda

The Silver Protectorate wish to rid the world of accursed beings and to weaken Yhagkca's grip on the mortal plane. Some say that they are preparing to face the god of corruption's armies in head on battle


The Silver Protectorate were born out of Senteth Velsa's distinct hatred of some form of monsters, what type of monster he hated varies from who you ask. Eventually Senteth gathered a rather large group of warriors, ~350, to storm the monsters' nest. Of the over 300 warriors, 40 survived, and this 40 would become the building blocks for the Silver Protectorate. Senteth's great-granddaughter, Yithvel, would eventually take the Silver Protectorate to where it is today, advocating for more brutal means of punishing the dark beings
Founding Date
Year 726
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary

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