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The world of Athariel is home to a vast array of peoples and cultures, from the icy islands of the Arterian Isles to the endless desert of Verrani, the world of Athariel is rich, but not without its dark corners.   Athariel is home to many deities, devils, demons, and celestials, with the deities in the exalted planes, the devils in realms of the Infernal Vale, demons of the White Chaos, and the celestials in the Planar Canvas. Deities can range from good to evil, lawful to chaotic, but they are distinct from devils, demons, and celestials, because they exist as the apotheoses of ideas, as opposed to the devils who make deals with mortals, demons who are trapped within the White Chaos, and celestials who aim to keep the balance of the mortal plane.   In the mortal plane there are nine major political powers: Ilisí, an alliance of the elves and gnomes; the Norkani Clans, the conglomerate of the dwarven clans within the mountains of Korosa; the Anor Telia, a nation ruled by a human monarch with it acting as a melting pot for the more uncommon races; Arisinium, an alliance between the orcs, duergar, goblins, and kobolds, despite the cultural makeup of Arisinium they are fairly docile, only attacking those who trespass; Milasa, an uneasy alliance between the drow, tieflings, and tabaxi; the Kingdom of Vethric, an empire of humans that, unlike Anor Telia, is very anthropocentric and as such will rarely allow any other race within their walls; the Verrani Dominion, the alliance of the Yuan-ti tribes of Verrani; Ilivýth, a culturally rich land of the Changelings far to the northeast, beyond the Sea of Spirits; and the Great Houses of Farshore, a reclusive nation of elves that dwell to the south, on an island

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