The Drzekoki Building / Landmark in Athariel | World Anvil
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The Drzekoki

The Drzekoki is a large tree that seems to appear where the Arterian Isles should, if one is to attempt to navigate to them without the assistance of a native. It appears as an enourmous blackish grey tree with seemingly indestructible bark, however no one is too willing to test such a theory.

Purpose / Function

No one knows why the Drzekoki appears in place of the Arterian Isles, why the Arterian Isles seem to disappear without proper navigation, why the Drzekoki has indestructible bark, or how it even grew from beneath the sea. Theories range from it being a pillar that the Arterian Isles lay upon, it being a tree that was fertilised by the decomposing corpse of a lifeless god, or it being hollow with the Arterian Isles within it. Of course, no one will know for sure


No one knows where the Drzekoki came from, how long it's been where it is, nor how it got there. It was, however, discovered by Milasa on a small expedition.
Alternative Names
The Great Root
Parent Location

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