Urrukka's Boon Spell in Athanya | World Anvil
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Urrukka's Boon (oo-ROO-kah)

Written by orphidor

Urrukka's specialized Celestial Boon, gifted to her upon her creation by the Celestial Stratagem, allows her to communicate with her favorite animal: birds. Thus far, she has used the gift to great effect, having created quite the extensive avian spy network to gather information and keep herself safe.


This Boon allows Urrukka to speak telepathically with birds of any species. She can communicate with one bird at a time or expend more energy to convey the same message to a flock. The birds are able to reply.

Side/Secondary Effects

When Urrukka uses this ability, the affected birds immediately become extremely suspicious toward her. They often fly away in fright upon having thoughts directed into their heads, while the ones that stay behind and return the favor express rudimentary distrust toward Urrukka. This can be countered if Urrukka spends time convincing the birds that she's trustworthy and giving them food.


Very little occurs outside Urrukka and the affected birds' psyches to alert others that her Boon is actively being used. The only external sign that takes place is the fact that birds will perk up as though they hear something when nothing can be heard by outside observers. Urrukka tires in the same way and at the same pace while using her Boon as she would if she were speaking aloud.


Like many, Urrukka realized the nature of her Boon accidentally. She discovered her ability at the age of eight years old. At the time, she was feeding birds crumbs from her lunch and wishing she could ask them to perch on her fingers. Her surprise upon receiving a response to her thoughts was only surpassed in intensity by her joy upon realizing that she really could do just that.
Related Discipline
Related Element
Effect Duration
A few seconds (each message) to the duration of a bird's lifetime (relationships formed through communication)
Effect Casting Time
Around seven miles
Applied Restriction
The limited intelligence of birds means that Urrukka sometimes receives jumbled responses or needs to simplify the ideas she wants to express.