Kukalai Tradition / Ritual in Athanya | World Anvil
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Kukalai (COO-cah-lai)

Written by orphidor

Kukalai is a martial art practiced in parts of Chengai. Practitioners are supposed to prioritize values of self-sacrifice and altruism. The techniques used in combat for this form of fighting involve using an opponent's momentum and energy against them, as well as going into something resembling a trance and reacting to movements as they happen rather than trying to predict what someone will do next.


Mental Practices
Those who practice kukalai are instructed to remain benevolent and selfless toward others at all times unless conflict is absolutely necessary for the protection of others. Fasting and performing acts of charity for others are performed regularly.
Physical Practices
When fighting is required, people who utilize kukalai are trained to take advantage of the movements of whoever or whatever they're attempting to best in combat. If someone overextends a limb or loses focus and becomes unbalanced, kukalai fighters will use that moment to strike a devastating blow. Another key factor of kukalai is the state of intense focus that its pracitioners go into while fighting. They train themselves to become completely absorbed in the present moment, blocking out distracting internal stimuli such as fear or predictions regarding opponents' next moves, so that they're able to react almost instinctually without being hindered by thought processes that take too long and slow them down while fighting.

Components and tools

Kukalai in its basic form is practiced with the use of bare hands and a quarterstaff. More advanced practitioners may use edged weapons, though this is uncommon.


Kukalai is primarily performed by the Suktu, but some Tsaamit do also take part.   Chaya Edoah practices kukalia, though he isn't considered the "perfect student" by some of his peers.
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