Espen's Boon Spell in Athanya | World Anvil
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Espen's Boon

Written by orphidor

Espen Pirshala's Boon is the ability to tell when someone doesn't believe what they're saying. This doesn't completely aid him in discerning the objective truth, but at least it does often allow him to know when someone is blatantly lying.


Whenever someone speaks a phrase containing a message they don't believe, Espen instinctively knows. Even he can't put exactly how he knows into words, it's just an unshakable feeling he reliably gets, reinforced by the ability's secondary effect. The ability cannot be shut off.

Side/Secondary Effects

The ability's activation comes with an uncomfortable feeling of pins and needles down Espen's spine. This can be rather annoying, especially when he spends time around someone who has a habit of telling white lies. The feeling grows in intensity the less someone believes what they're saying.


Espen and his family discovered the ability very early in his life when he called his parents out each time they told him a white lie.
Related Discipline
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
A few seconds to a few minutes
Effect Casting Time
Espen's earshot
Applied Restriction
A person can circumvent the ability and successfully lie to Espen by only saying things they believe to be facts. Lying to Espen is still difficult regardless of his Boon, but it is possible.