Daza's Boon Spell in Athanya | World Anvil
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Daza's Boon (DAH-zah)

Written by orphidor

Daza Lastwatch uses her Boon near-constantly as part of her job in foreign relations. It comes in extremely handy when preventing conflict.


When Daza sings, hums, or plays any instrument, it instantaneously begins to remove anger and frustration from anyone listening. The other party or parties have no idea what is going on and do not have the power to resist.

Side/Secondary Effects

The longer Daza uses the Boon, the thirstier she becomes. She must periodically take breaks to drink water in order to avoid becoming dehydrated.


There are absolutely no external signs to show that the Boon is being used besides the sounds Daza makes. On the other hand, Daza feels a strange sense of cold in her mouth and tongue along with her steadily increasing thirst.
Related Discipline
Related Element
Effect Duration
However long Daza sings, plus a few minutes or hours depending on how long she used the Boon.
Effect Casting Time
Intended party or parties' earshot
Applied Restriction
The ability cannot be used on non-intelligent life forms or deaf individuals.