Chaya’s Boon Spell in Athanya | World Anvil
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Chaya’s Boon (CHAI-ah)

Written by orphidor

As with every member of each intelligent race, Chaya Edoah was granted his own version of the Celestial Boon upon his birth. His isn't as obviously useful as many others, but he's still managed to find ways to utilize it, even though it causes him emotional distress.


When Chaya touches the corpse of a dead being without any barriers (such as cloth or thick fur,) his eyes glaze over and he visibly reels for several seconds. During this time, he is mentally transported into the body of the now-dead creature. He feels their pain and thinks their last thoughts, experiencing a brief flash of what it's like to have one's Facets of Consciousness separated before abruptly being deposited back into his body.

Side/Secondary Effects

This Boon is slightly unusual because it has one effect, which can be considered both positive and negative at the same time. In the process of discovering a dead creature's last experiences, Chaya often ends up being overwhelmed by pain, fear, or confusion to the degree where he almost feels as though he himself has died in that moment. The ordeal can cause deep and long-lasting anguish in Chaya's mind.   In addition, Chaya is incapable of eating meat because it activates his Boon.


Chaya's experiences while using his Boon last for around five seconds to outside observers, though time feels dilated for him when he is in his trance state. He describes the episodes as being dizzying and terrifying. Distinctive sensations such as the taste of blood on his tongue or the pain of a mortal wound may linger faintly for several minutes afterwards. Mental trauma caused by his use of his Boon can last for years.


Chaya's family discovered his Boon early in his life when he went into a panicked state during their attempts to feed him meat. It took several more years before he was able to articulate precisely what was happening to him when he came in contact with the meat.
Gestures & Ritual
The ability is triggered simply by touching a corpse, whether or not Chaya wants it to activate.
Related Discipline
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
A few seconds (trance,) a few minutes (lingering effects,) or years (mental trauma)
Effect Casting Time
Chaya's arms' reach
Applied Restriction
The ability is blocked if Chaya wears gloves or uses another barrier in order to avoid contact with a corpse. The ability is not triggered by plants and life forms with extremely simple brains (or no brains at all.)