Traveler's Taverna Building / Landmark in Asyur | World Anvil

Traveler's Taverna

This place is the favorite of visitors and inhabitants of Hookerhill Keep alike. The food is excellent, the drinks generous and good. The place is always active, with 4-16 patrons at any time of day or night.   The bill of fare reads:
Ale 1 ep
Small Beer 1 sp
Wine 1 ep
Honey Mead 1 gp
Bark Tea 1 sp
Bread 1 cp/slice
Pudding 1 sp/bowl
Soup 1 sp
Stew 1 ep
Roast Fowl 1 gp
Roast Joint 2 gp
Cheese 1 ep or 1 sp/wedge
Fruit 1 sp


The barkeep, if talking with a good customer and drinking to his health, will sometimes talk about the lands around the keep (1 drink per story, half of which may be true). He is known to hate small beer and love honey mead. There is a 50% chance that 2-5 of the patrons will be mercenary men-at-arms looking for work. Each will have leather armor & shield, and sword and dagger; all other desired equipment must be purchased by the employer, including missile weapons, and dungeon gear. Wages for duty include all gear purchased, room and board, and 1 s.p. per day of service. If no gear is purchased, the cost rises to 1 g.p. per day. (Note that a mere spear or minor equipment is considered as no gear.) It is always necessary to buy mercenaries a drink before discussing terms of employment. There is a 10% chance that each of the following persons will be in the tavern at any given time:   Corporal of the Watch (Blue General)
Captain of the Watch (Green General)
Sargent of the Guard (Brown General)
2-4 Watchmen
Wanderers (a 2nd or 3rd level fighter, dwarf, elf, or halfling as the DM decides, with complete equipment for adventuring; such a wanderer is 75% likely to join an expedition if offered 25% of the treasure gained, but 1 in 6 will be of chaotic alignment).   The taverner is a normal man, as are his son and the pot boy, but in time of need they will don leather armor, carry shields, and bear arms against attackers. The place is also served by his wife, daughter, a serving wench, and a scullion. The cellar is where drink and food are stored and prepared, and where the servants sleep. The family sleeps in the small loft
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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