Stalwart Eye Item in Asyur | World Anvil

Stalwart Eye

This tiny birdlike item allows its owner to speak a command word and see through its eyes. The stalwart eye has AC 18, hardness 8, 5 hp, and cannot move on its own except to turn its head as the owner desires. No range limitation exists on the power except that the owner must be on the same plane as the stalwart eye.

The Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil

One of these Stalwart Eye's was encountered early on by the Mercenaries of the Wheel, discovered by Eduardo Mangoseed the construct was given to Bitty Gnomebody who died with it on his person at the hands of the cult of the Resurrected Elder Elemental Eye c.4113. It was presumed lost and recovered by the cults members and has not been seen since.
Item type
2 lbs
Base Price
10,000 gp
Raw materials & Components
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, alarm, animal messenger


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