Ogre Species in Asyur | World Anvil


Basic Information


Typically, ogres stand between nine and ten feet tall and can weigh up to 650 lbs. Their hides range from sickly yellow to a dull blackish-brown, with dark warty bumps, purple eyes, and black or orange teeth and talons. They dress in skins and furs, but keep their weapons reasonably well.
Legends. Ogres can come into the world by two ogre parents. However legends say that goblins of extreme greed and gluttony can become Ogres through time. These legends suggest then that Ogres are not Giant-Kin but instead another ‘evolution’ of the Goblinoid.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Goblinoid, Giant
Geographic Distribution


Because this creature is an Giant, the player should roll a Medicine Check using the DCs in the table below. On a success, the player is able to harvest the item. On a failure, the item cannot be harvested (either because the character is not skilled enough, or because the item is ruined). The DM should note that many of the items have an expiration, and can not be sold or used after the expiration has passed.
Type: Giant
Skill: Medicine  
DC Item Description Value Weight Exp. Crafting/Use
10 Ogre Fat (large pouch) An Ogre has a thick layer of fat under its filthy skin. It can be difficult to cut away enough useful fat, depending on the harvester's skill. The fat can be used to make soaps and candles. 3 gp 4lb 2 days Repelling Candle (HHH)*
10 Ogre Skin An ogre has a large, rough layer of pale skin. While strong and durable, leather made from the skin is not very aesthetic and has an odd smell (even after being treated). 4 gp 1lb 10 days
20 Ogre Stomach Ogres are known to be voracious eaters, and have an enlarged, elastic stomach with a strong lining. Leatherworkers can treat and fashion larger than normal sack and bags. While these bags are larger (50% bigger), they do not increase a character's encumbrance. 10 gp 4lb 2 days

Equipment & Other Goods

This character usually carries: 1 Greatclub, 1d4 Javelin, 1 Hide.
Note: this particular creature will never carry quality weapons, or they may be easily destroyed in combat. As such, this creature will not use the first two rows in the table above.


Harvesting Meat

There is a stigma to eating meat belonging to sentient creatures that have a humanoid form and features. Harvesting the meat may be frowned upon and even considered cannibalism. Some communities may refuse to buy the meat (and some evil communities may pay a premium). The meat may even be difficult to eat, or unedible. Of course, these are all up to the Dungeon Master to decide.
  This creature produces 6d6 pieces of meat, weighing a total of 4 lbs a piece.


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