Necklace of the One True King Item in Asyur | World Anvil

Necklace of the One True King

Legend states the amulet was given to the first King of Man after the successful revolt and utter destruction of the Dragon Cult in the final years of the Merithic Era...
— from Artifacts and Relics of Man Vol. I
The Amulet of Kings is a large opalite platinum necklace that shines every hue of the rainbow. It has no clasp, and on the back of the amulet is an inscription in an unknown language. The chain is made of truemetal and the housing for the gemstone is made of adamantine. When worn by anyone not worthy, the necklace slips off the neck, as if the clasp had broken, the amulet and necklace then fall to the ground, unharmed.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

While wearing the Amulet of Kings the attuned gains a +2 to all Saving Throws.   The Amulet of Kings grants its user incredible knowledge, on par with Oracles or Diviners, being able to show the wearer's death when near in great detail when it draws near, for instance. This knowledge and blessing of the God of Time, allows the attuned to light the sacred Dragonfires, protecting the material plane from invasions from extra-dimensional threats.   The Amulet once attuned cannot be removed until the attuned dies, or it is willingly accepted by one of the attuned's direct blood family.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Owning Organization


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