Empty Phantasm Shell Item in Asyur | World Anvil

Empty Phantasm Shell

"The empty invertebrate shell of a young Great One or the familiar of a great one, no one can say. The Tenebrism Scribes has discovered a great variety of invertebrates, or phantasms, as the church has taken to calling them."
"Shells with slime still harbor arcane power, and can be rubbed on weapons to imbue them with their strength."
Empty Phantasm Shell by Bloodborne Videogame
Item type
Unique Artifact

Bloodborne Armory

Empty Phantasm Shell

Wondrous Item

Rare Requires Attunement

The hollow corpse of a Great One, these shells imbue a weapon with 1d8 Force damage with every strike.

This enhancement doesn't work on weapons with pre- existing elemental properties.

Type Damage Damage Range
None 1d8 Force Varies

Cost: 3,000 pp
Weight: 2.5 lbs


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