Dance Fever Condition in Asyur | World Anvil

Dance Fever

Have you ever been to a concert and there is that one corner of people who can't stop dancing, even though they and everyone else knows they have no aptitude for dance? Chances are those people are drunk or on some substance, right? Wrong. The likelihood is, those people are under the memetic effects of the disease known as Dance Fever.    While it isn't always life-threatening, the disease is annoying and can spread after the music that caused it has stopped or left. Just because they will not die, does not mean you shouldn't pity the affected, for once cured, you can come out with a twisted and warped view of music and dance.

Transmission & Vectors

This audio-visual hallucinatory disease is transmitted via the music-magic of bards.    In some rarer cases, the affected hum the hallucinatory music, spreading the memetic hazard.


When hearing a bard's music that is inlaid with magic that charms or otherwise causes involuntary movements, then this memetic disease can take form in the brains of the affected.


Dance Fever manifests as an uncomfortable and uncontrollable urge to dance, as music is piped into the affected head, even if there is no music being played. The audio-hallucinations observed by the affected also have the debilitating effect of hearing loss for the duration that the audio-hallucinations last.


The treatment is to confine the person to a soundproof room until the affected is no longer dancing and humming. Condiment can last from anywhere to just a couple hours - to upwards of a full day.


Most survive the disease, though may come out with a new hatred, or fear, of dance and music.    Vomiting and general discomfort are par for the course after the memetic disease has ended. These secondary conditions last for a full day after the event and then stop.

Affected Groups

Any species with the capability of hearing sound.


The Akādemos and the Prime Church have gone out of their way to establishing a system to prevent as many cases as possible. The first step was regulating who could claim to be a bard, and who was then allowed to perform bardic duties. This was done by educating bards in many bardic institutions founded in the Akādemos districts of Carcino. Upon completion of an institution(s) then a bard was presented with a bardic license, which outlined strick rules for using music-magic in populated cities.


This memetic disease spreads randomly as far as anyone knows. All bards who use music-magic to enthrall or enchant others can potentially instead infect someone with Dance Fever.


The first recorded outbreak of Dance Fever is on cave paintings found in the sea cliffs of Veluntia.

Cultural Reception

While common folk like music and dance, they have a strong distaste for magic and magic users that have not proven themselves yet. It is likely Dance Fever and other magical diseases are partly to blame for this hate and distrust of magic and its practitioners.


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