Cult of Hastur Organization in Asyur | World Anvil

Cult of Hastur

A collective term for the cults tied directly or indirectly to Hastur. A large number of these cults may only know of The Carcosa Mythos or The Hastur Mythos through their own twisted philosophies and exposure to the various elements. If any of them have any knowledge of the greater Cthulhu Mythos it is the Brothers and the Cult of the Yellow Sign.  

Tainted Followers

The bulk of cultists, and those that serve the gods, are human. Some, however, trace a heritage back through millennia that shows them to be a race apart from recognised civilised human society. Many of these serve Hastur, though it's important to note that many of these races do so as part of a pantheon of gods, of which Hastur is just one of several important figures.


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