Abject Chronometer Item in Asyur | World Anvil

Abject Chronometer

This pocket watch is made of gold and brass clockwork. The clicking of the hands and gears is set to no known worldly time scheme.


The unkown shrine was found by Eclipse and Wakely by pure hapenstance. Deep inside a cave it sat, dusty and forgotten to time, the guardian (a Lamia of unkown origin or creed) lay dead clutching the artifact in its hands, the only thing in the room not covered in age.   Picking up the object, the two where transported to a parallel time-stream created by a [Time Break]. In this alternate time, the two found its version of Hookerhill, but ruined and turned to a fine ash. Within the ruins and likely deceased people of the world, Wakely found a strange coin with the face of a moon, and the back of a field of stars.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Rare (requires attunement), Unique
Varies from 0.5lb to 2lbs


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Aug 7, 2022 18:43
