Khoshar (Hospitality) Tradition / Ritual in Asulon | World Anvil
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Khoshar (Hospitality)

What are the Rules of Hospitality?   Khosharta khav as a common greeting is a reminder that hospitality is expected; both to be given & to be received--everyone plays their role.   The proper response is Khav khosharta.   see Xenia  

Sharing level

  I The absolute minimum is providing water, food, and salt. Not offering at least this level of hospitality is heinously offensive (not that a respectful guest would say anything about it). The guest cannot refuse, without offering equal offense.

In extremis, a life and death kind of thing, a guest may humbly ask for this as a parting gift, but with great loss of face/honor/respect.

This level is about meeting immediate physical needs for sustenance, especially for those traveling long distances or over hostile terrain.

Because it is about the most basic of needs, the offerings tend to be simplistic and ritualized, eg: waybread and water. The definition of waybread may vary by race--what is their most basic traveling rations? Their equivalent of hardtack, salt pork, pemmican, water sack, etc. One ramification of this is that it is considered in poor taste to get too extravagant in the this level.

Generally, the guest would only stay overnight before continuing on their way.

  II When the guest stays up to 30 days, the host provides shelter, clothing, cleanliness, in addition to at least one meal, usually the biggest whether it's around mid-day, late afternoon/early evening, or later at night. Often includes some sort of fast-breaking, and perhaps a light snack and bedtime drink.

The guest should politely refuse ("Don't want to trouble you"), the host is then required to make a second offer, which the guest may refuse a second time if and only if other arrangements have already been made & accepting now puts the guest in a bind with conflicting khoshar responsibilities.

However, this usually only happens when the guest has family, a standing offer, or a routine place to stay in that area. But the guest must ask if visiting at another time in the near future (eg while still in the area) would be acceptable. Offense is given if the guest leaves area w/o staying at least for a meal before moving out of vicinity (usually 1 days' travel).

Meals are communal. Only the lighter meals very early or very late may be declined, for personal time, such as for reading, letter writing, meditation/prayer, and the like. In these cases, the guest should gently mention the reason for declining community time, primarily to allow the host to offer any needed items, such as quill and ink for writing, incense and such for prayer and meditation, and so on. If the needs of the guest are farther outside of the norm for the host than usual, the host offers to send for such things. (Perhaps the guest needs a prayer rug or special scents for incense or candles.)

  III Hospitality during bereavement.

    IV Hunka/Covenant cutting/Adoption into clan, family, tribe

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