Lolth, Goddess of Deception and Chaos Organization in Astoria | World Anvil
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Lolth, Goddess of Deception and Chaos

A powerful goddess in other realms, Lolth tricked the original elves to leave their home plane and travel through a portal to Astoria . The deceptive Spider Queen hoped to corrupt the elves without the protection of their elven gods. However, she was only half successful and Lolth sparked a mighty civil war between the elves. The War of Tears ended with the goodly races and elves uniting to banish the corrupted elves deep underground. Refusing to remain just the sole goddess of her dark elves, Lolth assassinated the old goddess of deception and stole her worshipers. Now Lolth is worshipped across Xorik by assassins, deceivers, and drow. The Spider Queen pushes her followers to create chaos through deception and is a natural enemy of Erathis and the forces of good.   Suggested Domains: darkness and trickery
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Symbol: a spider World Anvil  

Chaos leads to strength

Alternative Names
The Spider Queen

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