Koton Village Settlement in Asterra | World Anvil
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Koton Village

Koton was always a small village with little else to note on the westernmost edges of Yushu. On an unknown day in early Spring, a horrific nightmare would come for the village. For a few days, the villagers had reported seeing strange ships off the coast. Every attempt to actually report these sightings was met with a mysterious end. The elder of the village gave up on the reports on the third failed attempt, assuming he had sent 3 of his villagers to their demise along the way to Miyato castle. The next morning, he would go himself. The elder was never given the chance. The night before his departure, the sounds of crackling fire, and the smell of smoke wafted into the elder's house. Whatever those ships were, they had finally made their move and the elder was too late.   By the next morning, all the villagers were all either silenced, or recruited into the Akuman army. Most weren't given a choice, those who resisted were simply killed save for the women and children who were supposedly taken aboard the ships that sailed out into sea. While the village was burned down, the total casualties of this event numbered no more than a couple dozen.
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